How do you know the difference between compromise and sacrifice? That's a question that has been stirring in my head for the last few months. I have made choices that I have felt backed into a corner to make. Not because of others, but more because of circumstances. I wanted to make the right choices. I thought about things, assessed the situations, and came to some final decisions quickly because of time limits.
My problem has been, are they compromises or sacrifices? There is nothing wrong with either, however, the issues is the motive behind them. How much of me am I willing to compromise and how much of me am I willing to sacrifice? In the dream world the answer would be that I wouldn't compromise or sacrifice anything. Unfornuately this isn't the dream world, this is reality. Reality is I have had to and am having a hard time accepting it.
Most people have to compromise. If you are in a relationship, you must compromise things and work together to make things work for both of you. You also may sacrifice things like money, time, and wants for the sake of that relationship. (Yes, this even includes ED) If you have to make decisions as the head of your house, you need to sacrifice somethings for the sake of bills or needs. You also may compromise or prioritize those things to make your life work.
On the negative side of things, you can compromise who you are, what you stand for, and what you need or want to unhealthy extremes. With that you are making sacrifices you don't want to make but feel like you need to. A rock and a hard place. So at what point do you call it quits or raise the white flag and say you are done? And do you accept the way things are and survive or do you do something extreme to change it?
I am in a tough position and am so unsure of what to do. Survival. I have compromised and sacrificed a lot but feel I have no other options. I feel stuck!
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